Friday, April 25, 2008

Back to Antioquia

By Thom Calandra

TIBURON, Calif. (TC) -- Buenos dias, volditos mios! Where in el mundo is Tomas headed to?


The last time TC hit the road (in a big way), I was kicking camels in the Mongol steppelands. Now, it looks like parts of that wunnerful country will be gilding yurts in gold and copper, if China keeps the faucets running, that is.

Holy frijoles, we're going down south. Get your prospector hats on, voldy morts. I see this road trip, albeit a brief one, as an opportunity to examine what happens when a mining company tries to put together a resource in a hot-button land of beans and beautiful Antioqueños. I want to know more than just the paper trails, the 43-101 reports and the endless geological surveys.

I want flesh and blood and sounds and sights and smells. Can you catch that in word and on film?

I'm taking a photographer with me, my grape-growing Paso Robles friend Jim. Jim, as some of you might know, often hits the marks when it comes to gorgeous art. Mr. Crazy Old Tree on this page is one of Jim's. Your assignment, Mr. Marx, as you, my beloved SOH*, have decided to accept it, is to give us some of the hot chiles aroma of roasting slope lands, EL Marmato to be specific.

We want to see the mineralized flecks in the whites of their eyes, señor. We want the landscape, the BBQ beasts on the summit of the mountain and the dusty day laborers, their hands and forearms as thick and scarred as anything Picasso ever painted.

Now, those of us who track this blogsplot/bogspot know I currently am on a grande losing streak. Even the sturdy and beautiful Mexican landscapers who do the lawn steer clear of mio poverito these days. I mean, brain stroke drugs? WiMax equipment makers? Sure, Tomas, what's a fledgling gold miner in your pitiful mix? You're sending us down the road of ruin.

Join my world, all of you in your garage lofts, flipping burgers at the In & Sin. So it's tough out there. So I'm a believer in cheap. So my version of Actionable these days plays like a bad dream in Spanish subtitles. Peccato mio, hombres.

Stay tuned. We all just watched that "Ladron Que Roba ... " flick on DVD, the one where the subtitling and honorable thieves, the ones with stinky armpits and a foxy daughter, rob the subtitling fiendish meds thief in Los Angeles. Put me in the Latino mood. Loved it.

There's beauty in cheap, I just know there is. More to come, and no names for now. I'm already in the hole on this one, and I don't want to put anyone else there. Nos vemos!

-- Thom Calandra in Tiburon

See: (please)

* SOH meaning Son of Harpo and a mystic artist in his own right, Jim's motto being The Sins Of The Fool Linger/The Zins Of The Cool Mingle.


"P" said...

My guess is Antiquia Gold.
If this is correct, you not only have buns of steel from biking, but balls o' titanium for this call. If you are right on this call, this will be your best call yet.
I'm still looking for a pretty good selloff in gold in the near future. I am currently looking for a way to cash out of my 401k, and buy gold for the long term. If anyone knows of a way to cash out of a 401k, I am all ears. I was hoping for $825 but now I foresee a possible $75.
Are you a bit suprised by NTII's somewhat muted response to the seemingly good news on April 16th. It has risen by 10% since, but I would have expected a bigger pop. I chickened out and did not purchase NTII. I think earnings come out on Monday. I may get in on Tuesday.

"P" said...

Make that $750 for gold. If it gets to $75, then we have entered bizzaro world.

"P" said...

I really shouldn't drink while I am buying stocks. But while in a drunken stupor, I bought 16,000 shares of Cardima (CADM.OB).
I bought Cardima last year at $0.6 and it quadrupled in about 3 weeks. It was waiting on FDA approval for one of it's catheters. The following day it was at $0.6 after it was denied. Cardima has a 10% owner who has tripled his shares to 65 million shares this year and has been on a buying spree. Cardima's products are approved for use in Europe and Canada. I believe their trials for FDA approval here in the states were sloppy and incomplete. I have heard no news, but something tells me Cardima is going to try one more time for FDA approval. I will probably find out the owner was also buying these shares while in a drunken stupor LOL.