Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Nobody feels any pain

By Thom Calandra

TIBURON, Calif. (TC) -- Nobody. Feels any pain. I picked up Bob's latest and recycled greatest this morning at SBux and must say, they all hold up, even "Hurricane," nudging me toward a kind thought for Mr. Spitzer, of all folks.

Was the line that Bobby D. just wails, "But one day he coulda been the champion of the WORLD."

Enough said about this champion of the people, someone who, had he mellowed a bit, mended gutted fences on Wall Street and a few on Main Street, coulda been in the Oval Office. NY state makes way for someone who looks like an able governor: a man, like SF's Willie Brown, who is black and almost blind and perhaps wise and savvy.

Later in this story, who knows, maybe it's Mayor Mike for Guv. I don't live in NY but I still care.

Nobody feels any pain. In the market that holds true this week. That UYG purchase -- the banks basket -- is working out. How-la-sweet-loo-ya! I/we are making money! (See previous entry for UYG.)

No ThomInAtor Bullets today. Just a note to say I believe this is the worst stretch that small and tiny company shares have traveled in 20 or so years. The big stocks roared earlier this week. Not so the small ones. The oncology stocks especially got their shmacka-da-bum. And gosh knows, I own enough of the life-science stocks.

See you later -- here and at (Please feel free to leave comments!)

-- Thom in Tiburon


"P" said...

I made some change with your NTII suggestion (I had steak and lobster that night) but then lost the change with AIRN (I had beans and weenies that night)
I have not heard you speak about the general economy is some time. I would love to hear your take on the US economy in the next few years (I am very bearish). You were also a gold bull WAY before the general mass. Are you still bullish on gold? I think we may see a 10% correction followed by a major bull run bringing gold into the $2,000-$3,000 range. Also if you have any explaination as to why junior gold companies are not rising with the price of gold.

Thom Calandra said...

thanks P. does that make me M? Or Q/

The juniors are a tough one ... for sure. But the best ones are moving higher -- Virginia Gold for instance (I do not own it).

My family and I own gold and have since 18888 or so. Oops my little secret is out, sorry! 1999 or so.

I believe the general market for equities and bonds is mostly ok -- the banner names. Of coure, the small cos and small issues are getting hammered. Great time to look for bargains.
